Encounter Roadmap

Nothing on the roadmap is guaranteed, and all dates and timeframes are tentative and liable to change!

Q4 2024

Encounter: Phase One


PDF rulebook release featuring three factions: Star Marines, Imperial Defence Force, and the marauding Grunts.

Q2 2025

Psychic Operations

Psychic units for all three factions. New ‘Psychic Ability’ trait. New Battlefield Tactics cards for psychic units.

Q4 2025

Encounter: Phase Two

The conflict escalates with a bigger playing area, massive units, aircraft and spacecraft, and a new faction(TBC). Top candidates for the new faction include an elven-like race, and a dwarven-type race. Planned additions also include a fog of war mechanic, destructible buildings, new Battlefield Tactics cards and more!

Q2 2026

Specialist Heroes

New heroes(TBC) join the fight! Potential themes include mechanic-type characters and assassins.

Q4 2026

The New Challengers

New factions(TBC) join the fight!

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